Page 35 - Origins Reborn (Katherine Hurst) : Flip It & Read It
P. 35

Katie Ann StybrThe work

                              you’ve done for people like me
                              is such a tremendous gift, and I
                              couldn’t possibly express my

                              gratitude into a few words for
                              you to really know how much I

                              truly appreciate you and your
                              I love your audiobook and enjoy

                              listening to it everywhere I go. I
                              printed out the book to scribble

                              notes on and truly feel like I am
                              making progress. And the Portal
                              Program? Oh my goodness! In

                              love! I enjoy the short excerpts
                              you’ve created and the thorough

                              worksheets to check my
                              progress! I just love what you’ve
                              done and am very grateful to be

                              part of it!

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